Mushroom Farming and Its Profit?

Mushroom Farming and Its Profit: -

Mushrooms Farming Business is one of the Most Profitable Agriculture Business as compared to other Agriculture Business and this Business can Start with a Low Investment and can get High Profit. Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Tripura, Kerala, Orissa states are Contributing to 50 per Cent of the Total Production Mushrooms.

Mushroom Farming Business Requires Less space only and it can grow anywhere but it Requires the Most Suitable Temperature, the higher Temperature is Harmful and Low Temperature is Retards the Development of both Mushroom like Mycelium and Fruit Bodies.

The Profit of Mushrooms Farming Business Is RS.125 Per Kg is the Average Price Selling Mushrooms and the Average Monthly net Revenue Earned RS.62500 per Selling is 500kgs Mushroom. The Agarics Bosporus (or) White Button Mushroom Most Demanded and Hold the Largest Market Share and also Shiitake Mushroom  

The Spread of the Mycelium is 24 °C to 25 °C and the Paddy Straw Mushroom is can be Grown Around 35 °C and the Most Mushrooms Best Grow Temperatures Between 55°F and 60 °F, Away from Direct Heat and Drafts. 

The Enoki Mushrooms Can Grow Better in Cooler Temperatures is 45 °F and Growing Mushrooms is a good For the Winter Seasons Because of Many Basements will get Too Warm in Summer for Ideal Conditions.

Mushrooms Farming Business is a Very Smallest Business as Compared to other Agriculture Business But we can get More profit. The Farming of Mushroom is so Easy and we can get More Profit and it do not Require more Sunlight to Grow. Mushrooms Cultivation is Very Simple and Easy as Compared other Farming Business.


Q:  Profit with Mushroom Farming?

A: The Profit of Mushrooms Farming Business Is RS.125 Per Kg is the Average Price Selling Mushrooms and the Average Monthly net Revenue Earned RS.62500 per Selling is 500kgs Mushroom. 

Q: The Mushroom Farming Business is Easy (or) Hard?

 A:  Mushrooms Cultivation is Very Simple and Easy as Compared other Farming Business. 

Q: The Mushroom Farming States in India?

A:  Mushrooms Farming States in India are Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Tripura, Kerala, Orissa states are Contributing to 50 per Cent of the Total Production.

Q: The Most Demandable Mushrooms?

A: The Agaricus  Bisporus (or) White Button Mushroom Most Demanded and Hold the Largest Market Share and also Shiitake Mushroom.

Q: Which Mushroom is Dangerous?

A: The Most Poisonous Mushroom is Amanita Phalloides.


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Farming Types

Rice Farming

Wheat Farming 

Cotton Farming

Maize Farming